Board Of Directors

Margaret Schmitt, Chairperson
Local Government Consultant
Heather Zippel, Vice Chair
Community Volunteer
Gary Raulerson, Immediate Past Chair
Innovative Wireless Technologies
Kevin Hooper, Secretary
CEO, Jamerson-Lewis Construction
Michael Madden, Treasurer
Financial Advisor, Truist
Desha Best
Technical Trainer, L3 Harris
Veronica Beverly
Physician, Community Volunteer
Terry Brennan
Developmental Pediatric Physician
John Capps
President of Central Virginia Community College
Steve Crank
Retired Financial Advisor
John Cros
Human Resources, Manufacturing
Tab Culbertson
President, Centra Lynchburg General and Virginia Baptist Hospital
Kathleen Davis
Marketing, Centra Health
Tom Delaney
Billy Hansen
Real Estate, Podcaster, and Community Volunteer
Kellea Hogan
Human Resources, Framatome
Muriel Mickles
Retired VP of Student Affairs and Success, CVCC
Yvette Miller
Retired Educator, Lynchburg City Schools
Peggy Nolley
Community Volunteer
Kevin Smith
General Counsel, Genworth
Amanda Smithson
Director, State Policy & Advocacy, Save the Children
Jamison Spinner
Software Engineer, Capital One
Jeff Thompson
COO, CB Fleet/Prestige
Kennon White
Community Volunteer
Marty Wright
Community Volunteer